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QA Manual

About Us

As a QA Manual Engineer at Kenility, you’ll join a tight-knit family of creative developers, Engineers, designers, who strive to develop and deliver the highest quality products into the market.


Technical Requirements

  • Over 5 Years of Hands-On Expertise in Quality Engineering, Specializing in UI and Integration Testing
  • Proven leadership in upholding rigorous quality standards while providing constructive input to preserve quality integrity.
  • Proficient in frontend technologies, particularly SwiftUI and Jetpack Compose.
  • Adept in working with NodeJS and well-versed in Contentful CMS.
  • Familiarity with geolocation technologies to enhance testing capabilities.
  • Proficiency in an array of tools and technologies, encompassing Jira, X-ray, Postman, Datadog, Mixpanel, Contentful CMS, and MySQL.
  • Highly skilled in crafting Gherkin-style test cases for comprehensive testing coverage.
  • Extensive experience with test automation frameworks like Jest, XCUITest, Wiremock, Espresso, and Bitrise.
  • Solid foundational understanding of U.S. Finance regulations and data protection laws.


Soft Skills

  • Responsibility
  • Proactivity
  • Flexibility
  • Great communication skills